An Unfolding Creation

What is the vision we are creating?

The manifestation is beautifully coming to physical, it’s not fully formed yet and you are observing, feeling, co-creating it into being form. The form is the space, the energy of who you are is the space, is the fire burning, there is a steady fire burning in you, growing, embers taking off.

Enjoy the inner glow of what you are experiencing, the truth of life flowing through you, there is a journey to this, there is an unfolding, you are knowing now, the beautiful pace of unfolding, 

You can sense the natural, deep and rich pace and experience of something true unfolding. There truly is no rush, no efforting, no making or pushing or thinking of anything into being. There are ideas, there are inner truths coming forward, being brought into consciousness in order to be honored, taking care, setting the foundation, taking care is the foundation.

What is here now?

There is great love to move through your being, for you in form to experience as truth in reality here and now, this you know and are only beginning to understand, you are free, you are on your path, you are calling in the greatest expression of life in your time here. 

There is beauty unfolding, there is massive truth and being happening in you, there is great great true love opening, you are getting ready to receive in every moment. There is a shift of doing to being, there is a shift of trusting, more trust, greater knowing, more sitting back and watching the flow.

The more you connect to your truth that you know now, the greater the path can flow. It’s all in you, God is here with you now, the fullness of life force energy is with you in this very moment. It does not make you special, it makes you conscious, as you awaken to your consciousness, you beam, you glow and you know. There is no needing to do, there is even no need to teach, there is only being and sharing. 


Releasing Emotional Eating


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