Releasing Emotional Eating

I have been having these epic shifts of knowingess/lightness/freedom/indescribable joy…and then this right now: a little bit flat with that note of anxiety. It’s the frustration of eating “too much”, of eating past when I was full, the feeling of eating because it feels comforting and I’m afraid that “it’s been taken away”. That need feels so real, like it takes over and it feels uncontrollable. And I freaking hate that.

What does that behavior provide?

It gives my mind a sensation of freedom and it feels kind of fun. Like it’s a treat. I feel so frustrated because it’s been coming up a lot lately, and I thought I was done with that! This morning I don’t feel healthy in my body. It feels “out of control”. Like I almost don’t believe it’s possible to not have that behavior anymore.

These are the thoughts of the mind. What are the feelings?

Judgement, disappointment, fear, anxiety, discomfort, hate, blame. Wow, that’s a lot.

Is it possible that this behavior is coming up so much because you are ready to be conscious with it?

That does feel true. My mind wants to know if I ever can release it. Is it possible?

Do you want to?

My mind doesn’t want to. That’s why it is holding on so tight.

What is your truth?

I am free. And this behavior doesn’t feel “free” even though my mind says it is freedom. It feels controlling of my physical body.

In a way this behavior is bringing up emotion for you to process, but with the eating part in the middle. Does it feel possible to skip the eating part in the middle?

Yes. It doesn’t feel true to think that this behavior will always be a part of me. It feels learned and conditioned. But it sounds hard and scary to fight my mind on this.

What if it doesn’t have to happen right now? What if you get to practice?

I do like that. What can I do when that powerful urge shows up?

You’ve heard it before, sister. Relax. Appreciate. Slow Down.

So I can pause and take breaths. I can say “I appreciate in this moment I have a choice. I appreciate my freedom in this moment.” I can slow down with my physical movements. I see myself actually doing everything in slow motion, which seems funny, and I feel that could help create distance from the mind. I love this so much.

And now, dear one, you have some emotions to release.

I am feeling the shame and disappointment. I am feeling the “I messed up AGAIN.”. I feel the light of forgiveness working in my body. I feel the shift. I KNOW this is all coming up as an opportunity. I know this is for me. I appreciate my awareness and my connection to Source to create anew.

What is the experience you wish to create?

True freedom to taste, to create and enjoy from a soul level! Freedom from the mind and freedom from conditioned behaviors. I know I am a creator and I know I am opening to a new experience: lightness and joy in my physical form and a release of the mind’s stories. It is happening now.

We thank you for your presence and opening. We create anew with you. You bring forth this expansion with your awareness. The joy is here here here. Rejoice and feel the love that lifts eternally. This is a part of the release and all is perfection. Peace be in you, with you, around you: peace be your radiant light. ENJOY!


An Unfolding Creation